Asynt Write-up
Every good start-up relies on high-quality resources, and it can’t be underestimated how first-rate equipment is aiding our research and development at HydRegen. I recently gave insight as to how the Asynt-supplied DrySyn OCTO parallel reactor and the desktop hydrogen generator have helped us expedite the development of our hydrogenation biotechnology.
I foresee the OCTO reactor getting lots of use in the future as we screen new chemical reactions, as well as innovating and developing new product lines. Check out my reasons why it is such a valuable tool for us here at HydRegen:
Meet Jack - our newest team member
We asked Jack to introduce himself and tell you about why he chose to study Chemistry, what brought him to HydRegen and what he’s learnt in his first month.
We love what he wrote and think it will resonate with anyone in their final year at University!
Webinar with ThalesNano
We were invited to give a webinar by ThalesNano - the company behind the continuous flow hydrogenation ‘H-cube’ range. Check out the recording here!
Write up by Advanced Oxford
We are delighted to have been highlighted as a Case Study by Advanced Oxford as part of the 'Green Recovery’ series.
Great to see the work they are doing to understand Oxfordshire companies that are working towards lower carbon technologies and ultimately a more sustainable economy. We know that being embedded in the Oxfordshire ecosystem will have huge benefits for our company over time. Not only through retaining strong links with the University (where our technology was developed) but also through the network of highly innovative companies that are passionate about a cleaner future.